Happy Mother’s Day!
It’s your mother’s birthday today. Not just yours, ours. And
are we concerned? Not even a bit, or may be just a little to know ‘What Kind Of
Animal Are You’ after you click on that revolving Goggle doodle. But do we go ahead and bother why has the doodle been made? We read its Earth Day but there is so much more to it. Why this day? Do we need it? Finding your animal type and our work is done. Bother to even care if that species exists or has long gone!
It is so easy for us to complain about the change in the
environment. We are up to express the angst at the sun shining down with rage
and we are also ready to express how an evening cool breeze feels. But not many
of us give a deeper thought as to why is all this happening. Climate change are
just two words but they’ve a much deeper implication which sadly not everyone
of us is aware about.
Right now the only thing that we are made to feel important
is women empowerment, safety or clean India! The rhyme ‘Green India’ gets
missed. I am not saying these issues aren’t important but that certainly
doesn’t we mean we divert from what our mother is suffering from. Mother Earth
needs no mercy she needs attention. What are we giving in return? Abusive
treatment! Yes. We are abusing the resources, we have taken them for granted
and we are also at sufferance even without realizing.
The rains in our neighboring areas are no pleasant weather
change. It is not relief, the winds and the fragrance of the mud are temporary.
It is in turn making the surroundings hotter. Basically, what you’re looking up
to as a relief is a revenge. The Mother doesn’t take revenge, but she doesn’t
even have a choice left. We are destroying it. We are destroying our own future.
We are concerned about the social updates more than our environmental degrade.
It will seem far but even your next to next generation might
have to face food crisis or suffer from heat strokes. We are growing selfish
day by day but when your own child will have to pay for water at an
unaffordable price will you realize? Are we still waiting for a calamity to strike?
If you are the one who is working for the benefit, sorry to say it is not
enough. You need to get more people aware. If you’re lethargic to do (which few
of you may have felt even at the middle of this post), just remember how you
feel when someone takes money from you and doesn’t return it back? Annoyed?
Shamelessly ask for it? Well, we are taking so much from earth! It’s her day
today, celebrate before she ceases to exist.
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