Give Back Even If It Is A Dime

We all are living our lives through phases. In the bad phases we convince ourselves or are more commonly told, ‘This Too Shall Pass’. In the good ones you don’t want them to pass. But at the end of the day we are all bounded in these phases, ups and downs. Day by day your responsibilities are growing but are we acting up to them?

There is a sense of being a grown up once you start earning. One important lesson which you’ll need to learn is- You don’t become independent when you stop asking for money from your parents but when you start giving them money and contribute in the household budget. (If I’ve broken your bubble of the idea of independence then sorry, but accept it). Our parents aren’t interested in our salary, the house has been running even without our minor contributions. But when you’re capable of even giving that little money, you’re offering a support.

I too had these fancy thought bubbles encompassing me with shopping bags of brands, eating sumptuous meals day in and day out, partying with friends every weekend and what not! But when I actually got my paycheck and amount credited message on my phone, I was definitely happy but too bored to step out and go shop or even go for a meal. I would rather get comfy on my bed and relax because next day I’d be running in my pace for the paychecks again. Splurging is fine, but doing it out of pride is where you go wrong.

It is when you realize that it is your time to give back. You just do not stop asking but start contributing. When my mother expressed about her wanting a smartphone I took it on my mind, it was time to gift it to her. She could obviously afford one but who doesn’t like being gifted? I do not want to flaunt about it as I haven’t really gifted a high-end tech updated phone but that gesture of being able to afford one for her was enough. The tables aren't changing but trying to balance a bit. 

This is just a small example but now I am a little more concerned about the rising price of vegetables, the increasing ticket fares or fuel prices. I am managing not just my finances but a part of my family’s economy. Do not ever get into the pride that you earn money now; you had to do it anyway! Do NOT do the terrible mistake of reminding your parents that you’re giving them money. At the moment even if they ask to give back even half of the money they’ve spent on you, you’ll have to find a place big enough to hide! Do not get into comparisons with how much your friends are earning, if at the end of the day you’re giving half of it to your family in contrast to your friends spending more than half on luxuries, you know who is richer. And with that I sign off! 


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