Snap Attack on your Hashtags.

A rant after a long time...

I have a big fancy for photography. And with our over-smart mobile phones, it is so easy to capture everything, make it look pretty after a dozen of filters and upload with a thousand of hastags. Such a complete circle of life na? But no wait, what if it doesn’t get the desired number of likes? The whole purpose of your ‘social life’ is gone! Congratulations on achieving a new low if you agree. 
I just summed up what I see people around myself doing.

Coming back to my keen interest in photography, I still do not find myself reaching to my phone camera quickly and capturing something. I always decide the next time I pass through this lane, I’ll capture this dilapidated structure. The next time I see the cat sleeping on the car roof, I’ll click it sooner and so on.

But coming to capturing every single thing you do, there is an app for that Snapchat. The minute I see people using it overly, I mentally snap them with a chammat! No seriously! I hate the filters, I hate the black line that goes over a picture, challenging you to convey what you’re up to in shortest sentences possible, so obviously the grammar goes for a toss. And to make it short and convincing you’ve them using hashtags. #WeekendChillin’ #LikeABoss and what not. FUCK YOU MAN.

Ever since the social media changed its ways of recognizing things, some people (actually a lot) have lost the plot or rather their whole mind. A hashtag (#) has become the F-word of social algorithms. Twitter got it as a way of categorising, Instagram works on the same principle and then everyone’s favourite blue-eyed boy like Facebook. So then you have sentences running into hashtags, you’ve the most ridiculous creations ever thought of. Who thought there will be foodporn and foodgasm coming up? At least I didn’t. Unless you’re licking off stuff from other person’s bodies... let’s not get there.
If the key could speak at all, it would be thankful for such recognition, no one saw it before and now it is abused. 

Point being, everyone has fucked up with a hashtag so bad that it has become an eye-sore. Well if you’re with your friends in a picture, your other friends will come to know who they are your friends. You need not friendstagram, bffforevrz, xoxo it! Chalo thik hai, even if you want to put it only at least see that you’re doing it right. #can#you#understand#this#sentence? #was#it#annoying#to#read? 

I’ll leave the hashtags behind, I hope I make the point clear. But coming back to Snapchat, people are so hooked to make their life look so cool. Half the time if you’re shooting the video clip, taking care it doesn’t swindle, what are you enjoying out of a live show of whatever ‘coolest’ gig/place you’re at.
And then are filters which show how your animal counterparts will look like, some enhance your already ugly face, some making you a realistic joker and many others to make yourself feel you look pretty. I mean what’s with the fad? You find it funny to share your such pictures? Here’s what I found funny..

Image Source: Twitter 

And also, Snapchat pe kutte ka filter laga ke kutta toh ban gaye lekin wafa kaha se laoge! 
Kya sau taka baat kahi hai.! 

If your purpose of life is to make others jealous by giving them an hourly account of what you’re up to, of achieving so little, from your Monday motivation to Saturday chill scenes, take some time out to think if you're actually, heartily smiling when you take that selfie. Or do you've umpteen reasons to smile even when someone is not clicking your picture. If not, go back to that dog face and feel cute about yourself. 
