Tell Me I’m Wrong, I’ll Be The Same
It’s been a long time I was having this conversation to myself. But it was about other people, it was about the judgmental ones. So might as well I put it down for everyone to read.
Being branded to do some things because I’m a girl irks me out. I cannot have restrictions in the name of my sex alone! I understand the world is not in the best of manners right now but I have let go of some of my manners too, for a reason.
I’ve found myself being comfortable around guys more than girls for the simple reason that guys do not gossip so much. Guys talk about things that are not related to sartorial choices and relationships. Maybe they do gossip but they laugh about it.
I can vouch that I’ve more friends in guys than in girls and that seriously doesn’t make me less of one. Sometimes if by mistake my bra strap shows my friends indicate it to me. And seriously its better than ‘hey your boyfriend is peeping.’ Get what I mean? I mean all girls wear it, all guys know that. But in today's time it is made such a big deal of.
Yes I mouth foul language and there I get branded on my values. How cool is it to draw such parallels? If I can be foul, I can also be sweet (not exactly! but ya) If you always see me in casual jeans and top I can also pull off a Saree. Maybe I am not the conventional pink loving girl, but Black is so sport!
I like meeting new people, drawing conversations over few beer glasses than a coffee. I give up formal how-are-you's too quickly. Atleast I know I do not pretend to care less.
So for all the above being said if having more best friends among the guys, coming over a little late, abusing where the need be is all wrong, well then I don't want to be right!
You know what take this!
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