Pet Happiness

Our relation is not of dog and his master,
You’re my family and I’m your sister,

You’re my care taker in this empty house,
The bark with anger can drive anyone away.

You’ve given me joy without even realizing it,
While you were just being your own playful,

If I’d tears but no answers to the question ‘why’
I found comfort with you by my side,

You bring a smile on my face with the little tail that you’ve,
Wagging like a little antenna or your wet nose tickling my feet,

When I felt even a little alone, you were off your leash,
You sniff for my happiness and do it with such ease.

I don’t need to tell you everything and wait for an advice,
You transform my mood and tumult of emotion.
There’s so much to learn from you, especially compassion.

You don’t even know what I’m writing here for you,
But just as you’ve been doing I’m showing my love for you.

You’ll mean a lot to me than any other,
You’re not just my pet, you’re my people.

The writer with her best friend. 
