All You Need.

How many times have you liked the e-cards or posts with highly photoshopped photos which start with sometimes all you need… I agree they’re all relatable and sometimes that’s all you need, to read something which puts your thoughts into precise words.

I am a non-believer in ‘All you need is Love’. That thought I think is damaging. But I do have my own All I Need moments. If you’ve heard the song ‘Everything At Once’ by Lenka, it talks about All I wanna be… You can again relate to it because who wouldn’t like to be everything at once.

Thinking on these lines I have written my few. And even I want all these ‘Everything At Once!’ These are few because I have tried not to repeat any from what I’ve seen on the web.  But seriously there are many more things I need but I know writing here I won't get them except Satisfaction; that I seek the most. 

-          Sometimes all you need is “A friend to sit on a Giant Wheel. Wheeee! Someone whose there with you through your ups and downs, who screams with you when you just really want to Shout Out LOUD and holds you tight when your stupid instincts want you to jump. Do you have a Giant Wheel friend? Never lose them.”

-          Sometimes all you need is “Getting cozy in your blanket on a rainy morning. If you’ve company then great but lone coziness would do. Snuggling up to own self while listening to the raindrops in the background. Wow!”

-          Sometimes all you need is “A long solitary walk. Plug in your headphones and keep walking, until you’re not the crazy head banging lunatic who’ll go out singing loudly in public.”

-           Sometimes all you need is “A Bear-Hug! This you may’ve already seen with really cute pictures. But for me it always works. That one comfort hug at anytime of the day. You may not be happy or sad. If happy, it makes you happier. If you’re sad it makes you happy. One tight hug is all I need!”

-          Sometimes all you need is “Getting drenched. I am not really a monsoon person but getting drenched while the people around are running for a roof over their head. Watching them stare at you while you just collect the raindrops and toss. Not feeling awkward of your sticky clothes but enjoying the water dripping down your tangled hair. Stress washed away and a broad smile on your face, that’s enough.”

-          Sometimes all you need is “FOOD! A spicy sumptuous meal. Give yourself a treat, splurge on food and relish it to every bite. If you choose a good combination I’m sure it is all you need.” (You can add beer, vodka or whisky here)

And sometimes all you need is your own space. To Write, to Rant and to Express! Write about it and that’s how I ended up putting this piece together. 
