Backspace Key

She hit the keys to form some sensible sentences but unfortunately they were interrupted by the backspace. The backspace key crossed their path every time they reached a full-stop. It was annoying. Words were falling one after other only to be erased out. May be it all made sense but it was difficult to accept what she was writing. Writing and reading to make it sound right, she got into a tussle with her own thoughts. The backspace key was winning and she was losing out on conviction of her own thoughts. A mere self-assurance of typing without using the backspace key even once (except for typos) was real hard.

It just happens every time. You take some firm decisions which meet regrets as you move ahead. You accept your mistakes but only to severally repeat them. Just as you put down things in your to-do list and procrastination makes you forget to cross them out ever.  It creates a space for you. In your own little niche of thoughts you’re surrounded by confounding opinions. ‘Don’t give a damn’ comes forward to take a stand only until the mind’s backspace key works again.

The little heart attack or the awkward moments we face every time we say some things we don’t mean are constant reminders of you did something wrong, use the backspace! Well, many times after apologizing, you actually think you meant them. Can we undo that? Not really.

The truest of your feelings are always read by you before the backspace makes an appearance. You never sent that message or mail because, well you know why! The point is how your own thoughts are pitted against your so-called “sensible self”. And this is why we people enjoy the state of being drunk. The backspace key slightly dissolves in the alcohol within your system. BAM! “Give me my phone, I am gonna call him or message or whatever!” Isn’t this a very common instance? There is sudden confidence boost-up and come what may, I can do it. It is amazing how it works.

Wouldn’t it be really cool if you could stay that drunk every time without having to take in any alcohol? (Not that I am against drinking but come on not every day). Damn the backspace of your sensible mind which may make you appear rude. Say it. Say what you feel, good or bad. Remember hard to express will make you difficult to impress! Do not make that apologetic puppy face. Be the lion with the pride of your roar. Send that text message every time you feel like. Make the calls. Damn you Backspace Key, I’ll say what I feel for me to be real.

P.S: this was an attempt to write something without using the Backspace Key. I won’t lie that I did not even once use it. It was difficult but a fun challenge to self. Life looks fun if I stand by this conviction.


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