Marriage? Really?! Now?!!
Being in a small family of just 3 I have always enjoyed
guests visiting our house. The added members and their chit-chat is good, it
gives you time to bond with your family on a larger scale. Off late the guest
visits have risen and so has the bonding. But my happiness is not exactly
proportional to the frequency of their arrival. Only one reason- Prospect of
Yes. After the welcome and food follows the discussion of
marriages and that too on a ridiculously serious level. With my cousin ready to
be hitched later this year, I found myself dragged in the queue for Next Up?
On one hand as I am enjoying my life as a kid with my
younger sister; on other I found myself the center of attention of
to-be-married-soon. I am just 20 years for the Love of God! And plans are made
and devised about my wedding ceremony. How can you frikkin talk about it when I
am just growing out from my stage of teens?!!
Many say a girl always dreams and anticipates about the way
she wants her marriage to be with the much-hyped Prince Charming. (Who by the way is again supposed to be
arriving on a horse.. Dude it’s the time of Ferraris, Audi, BMW’s and girls
still want a horse? I would want to re-align their thoughts) Well with the
Hollywood flicks showing the elegance of getting married in a personalized
White gown and Bollywood adding the glitz and music who would not dream of
having a lavish marriage? I do not blame them.
Today, arranged marriages do seem passé thanks to the faith
in love. So rather than daunting with the prospect of someone of my age and
doing good; give us time to fall in love and fall out of it as well. I am not
against arranged marriages but I am not even ready for one. It is highly
annoying after a point to be talked on my marriage. I not even sure if I’ll
graduate with the percentage that I wish to certainly do not hope to talk on
marriage. I would any day prefer to talk about the new fashion trends, movies
and tech rather than “Kya hoga iska? Koi milega kya isse?”
But, but my point remains decide at the right time at least.
One thing that makes me feel better is that I am not the only one to go through
this. I have a few of my friends whose parents discuss marriages at our tender
age. How can you possibly suggest some prospects for your child when he/she
isn’t even sure what they want to achieve. Time has definitely changed, with
more and more people getting into live-ins, equal is the number of those
wanting to settle first and then think about having sex, let alone have a
It is good to know that parents care and are concerned. To
know the anxiety your dad is going through at the thought of you leaving the
home and going to someone else’s. But I may go out tomorrow for my education as
well and not just by changing my surname.
Lastly being a kid of the impulsive generation I am planning
to run away. Yes. And my parents are more confident than me that I will, what
better? So I don’t get what is the point of discussing my marriage ceremony
when you’ve got a faith in my ‘running-away-take-a-risk’ plan. I do not mind
admitting it here too. Who knows what’s in store for me?
Till then I wish all of them stop embarrassing us front of
our not so immediate families.
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