Lost It to the Social Keeda!

We’re a generation who’ve lost our minds to the megapixels. We can’t enjoy a single thing before we capture it. More so, when you’ve edited it beyond a point, hammered it with ridiculous hash tags and posted it on your Instagram and connected it to Facebook, Twitter and all. Then by the time you actually can have peace with it, your phone will be buzzing with notifications of likes and hearts and if you’re popular enough then retweets.

But there are some things that get in my head. These are signs of deadly addiction to social media and hints of having lost your mind long back! It is annoying to see these kinds of updates. I have de-cluttered my friend list because I couldn’t see people flash their stupidity on their timelines anymore. People just don’t want to grow up. To add to the misery, Facebook itself made so many changes to it that further updates were a torture.

I make the best use of its Birthday reminders. I unfriend the people who I added once upon a time because they were in my class and we Had to be Friends On Facebook you see? We never spoke then and now we’re on our different ways. My wish wouldn’t add to their happiness. So birthday reminders are more for me like ‘Hey there’s this person you once added but never spoke to and it’s their birthday today, wanna wish?’

There are a lot many things that get on my nerves. I haven’t even started. Facebook is so damn concerned about your feelings I tell you! It always asks ‘What’s On Your Mind’ when you first open it. And then there are sharers- the status updates which are actually essays. Essays on how was my day, where and what did I shop, what did I eat later, what did ‘he’ say, how did I feel, etc, etc. This can literally go on. Present your entire life to those 550-600 friends who might not even read it.

Then coming to the people who are in love; they’re in a pitfall actually. Each and every day there has to be display of affection on each other’s wall. And all in all the best they write is ILYSM. MU. TC Baby! AWWWW! So frikking cute you guys are! You may now go to hell because no one cares. Anniversary wishes every month, every occasion why don’t you’ll get married on Facebook itself? I agree it is a good feeling but would you make out in front of 500 people (your family members included)? Get a room. Just because Facebook has a wall doesn’t mean it is a room!

Facebook gave an option of check-in because it is easier to stalk people and also to make others jealous. Check into a place in Malaysia, while your friend sitting in some corner of the hot city is reading it. Check into Paris, while some love-struck female back here hopes to go there one day and romance someone. Jealousy is so easy to create. But then we’ve another side to it, those who check-in at every damn place they enter. Some irritants actually do this: Go to MacD and check in, eating burger! Yummy! Fun is coming! Check-in your college, I chose to attend today! Check-in some hotel, family time fun! Yayy! Now simple thing, if it is your family time shouldn’t you talk with your family? Why such show off? Why can’t you check in when you went to poop? Embarrassed?

Then there are those who if you give them their own photo studio, wouldn’t be satisfied. Every 2 hours you put a picture, after those 2 hours you update your profile picture. Within the next 24 hours you’ve a new picture of yourself. Matlab aap toh celebrity ho! *applause* How about being productive and reading or learning something so that you can come up with better captions other than Meeeeeee! OMG! I didn’t know only it’s you until you kept posting your selfie everyday. Selfie? I can write a goddamn new post here on it.

To club everyone under one, these are the people who are more than addicted and somewhere forgot what personal space is. They’ve transformed social media space into their own. It is really not a good sign. Likes, Retweets, shares are pretty much your ego boosters. Don’t let them bother your judgements about your own self.

I too have posted this on Facebook but I’ve dissimilar intentions. Here  again I sign off with a sigh because I know still very few will get what I mean, while others will be busy clicking or updating their next post. 
