A Learning Experience!

Experience is the best teacher,
But I learn from other’s experiences,
Doesn't it make me a good student?

In this phase of life I saw them stumbling,
To follow the same path I was reluctant,
I became a little selfish and maybe even harsh,
But getting here I became dependant.

I know who I live for and accountable to,
And not to give in for others’ happiness,
I hope to make it better for myself,
Not for someone’s discontent shallowness.

I know my reasons for this, which for others is disturbing,
There are judgements made every now and then,
I’ll try not to fall prey to you all,
I'm hoping for a better gain.

There are many secrets but best kept when with yourself,
And there are more ‘concerned’ trying to get them out,
I find my comfort in sharing almost none,
Let them delve with their excitements and doubt.

I don’t exactly know where have I landed and how?
But rather enjoy it and be prudent,
Too much of niceties eventually may just hinder,
Try learning before that teacher and be an excellent student!
