So Did You Read Rape?
I like to begin my day sitting with newspaper and sipping on
my hot coffee every morning. But the regular routine of coffee’s aroma combined
with the feel of the fresh information supplier now creates a feeling of
anguish. It is somehow difficult to comprehend the state of happenings in our
country. I glance for some positive news but it is like searching your way in a
tight maze.
From the last fort-night my eyes are greeted to stories of
gruesome rape stories. From the time of Delhi gang-rape there seems to be an
outbreak in the number of sex-deprived, chauvinistic, manhood proving fuckers
in the country. Spare the language but I'm left with no choice. Not even 24
hours after the Delhi gang-rape there is a rape of an elderly woman again in
the capital itself. People are so quick aren't they?
So she is now dead. Where is the trail of the case? Well,
not dead yet. But given the history of our so called democratic justice, it
might meet the dust soon. However, people are out there overall the country in
mood for vigilantism but are well-treated with water-sprays, tear-gas and
lathis. So much for standing up for your right.
I’m enraged with the number of stories in newspapers, big
and small in word-limit stating just the cases of rape throughout the country
every day. These are just the Few that get reported! Off the record it might as
well be in sync with the birth-rate. The reasons stated are even more
outrageous. She broke-up, she got raped. She answered back to his lewd comment,
she got raped. She wore something that she was comfortable in, she got raped.
She was a confident personality and earned, she got raped. She did nothing, she
got raped. Sad is the state that I write the next sentence. She existed, she
got raped!
Solution lies far ahead to be even implemented. Belonging to
this society where the male in an attempt to show his strength has nothing but
an erection. Because they have to prove their power all they need is to unzip
and make the women strip of her very existence. If only sexually assaulting her wasn't enough to prove the manly pride, there is infliction of violence on the
poor soul. You already distort her conscience and then damage her sometimes to
WHO gives you the right to mess (or better Fuck) around with
the life of a woman? Worse is when you claim to love her or are supposed to be
taking care and protecting her (reference to incest cases). Is it just because
you belong to the presumably stronger sex? Well, we would have reached far
ahead if they could prove their manhood and strength through other ways rather
than channelling it through some sexual offences and in the process lose their
anyway degraded dignity.
I write here not because everyone is talking about it. I write
to express the anguish that goes through me every time I read about it. It gets
on my nerves to start my day with reading sexual spree infected reality of my
country. What a shame, Her confidence meets His impudence and there she lies
Awesomee..vry well written...keep it up!!!..(y)