Hogger Tip$

Facebook is trending with these Brotips, Sistips and what not.. The hogger within me just got influenced to give some hogger tips. Yes I am a self-proclaimed hogger. Do not be astonished if I reply to your “wat u doin” text as Eating most of the times. That’s what I like to do. I love to eat or as few of my friends say Live to Eat! And there is Nothing wrong with it.

These may not be exactly hogger tips but some of the common things among most of the hoggers. You may not agree with everything put down but it is my personal take. Your comments and 
contributions are welcomed.
1.       Never mess with hogger with false treat hopes, they just can’t digest it.
2.       You should not take a hogger’s curse; you’re bound to spend more time in the toilet the next day.
3.       Never force a hogger to eat, they have their own way of tasting everything.
4.       Do not say “please don’t be shy”, the fact that we hog in the first place shows that we are not shy to eat. It is just irritating otherwise. We like the sentence- “apna hi ghar samajh ke khao.” Comfortable lagta hai.
5.       If you are taking the hogger for a treat then let the place be of the hogger’s choice. It makes them happier.
6.       Hogging is not a habit, it’s more like a hobby so do not taunt every time.
7.       Something sweet after a spicy meal is a must. Chocolate or Chaas will also do.

8.       Whenever hungry, does not mean they eat everything that is given to eat. We are very choosy about foodstuffs; it should be spicy and gratify our taste-buds. Foodies would be a better word.
9.       Just because we hog, need not mean we should be fat. There are thin hoggers too.
10.   Sometimes if we are unkind to some people, does not mean we have ill-feelings for them, we are probably hungry.

       If I have managed to strike a chord with you on most of the points above, may be you are an upcoming hogger or definitely know someone who is. I hope I am not the one who you were thinking about.
